KapiShy's app for Ticket Show, Single Goal, Auto-reset Goal, Progressive Goals (Multi-goal), Goal Counter, Tip Sequence, Goal Race, Peep Show, Spank-a-thon, and Tip Jar
A. General commands across most or all App features
The primary command noted below is the /chgapp command, which lets you switch between each of the 9 App Features that are built into the UltraApp so far. You can switch at any time, but you if you change in the middle of a goal, you cancel any open goals in that app when you do.
Total tipping and time online stats are also kept and can be accessed anytime. There is also a parameter in the 'General Settings' section to turn on/off the display of the total tips accumulated so far for each app on the draw panel (you can still see them in the /stats info).
/chgapp [newapp]: switch from one app to another, or turn off the current app. The values used for [newapp] are 'goals', 'goalcount', 'sequence', 'tipjar', and 'ticket' to go along with the 5 types of shows, or the value of 'none' to turn off the current app feature and not start a new one immediately.
/stats : Display a listing of your time online (with the app running), total tips, and tips broken down by app.
/skip and /next: These are available in most of the apps, so they are are listed within each section with specifics of what they do for that app. In all of the apps except the ticket show, use the /skip function to bypass the rest of the current goal and start the next goal fresh. Note it can be used with the tip jar, but not while the tip jar is actually draining. With the sequence app, it just advances to the next sequence.
/addtips [tokens]: Within the goal apps (Progressive Goal, Goal Count, and Tip Jar), this can be used to simulate users having tipped and advance the token count within a goal. Indicate the number of tokens you are adding as the [tokens] parameter, and note the value can be negative. You can add more than the current goal, but you cannot subtract less than has been tipped in the current goal.
/listgoals (also /lg): List the current setup of the goals for the App feature that is active.
/listremgoals (also /lrg): List the remaining goals for the App feature that is active.
/chgpanelbg [imagename]: Change the background of the drawpanel to one of the valid images. Images are updated regularly, so you can see the current list by entering this command with no parameter and the error message will show the current valid choices. Note that you can also see the images by going to the 'Source Code' tab for the app and clicking the link for 'App Images'.
/paneltextcolor [newcolor]: Change the color of the text in the drawpanel to either a hex code (#0000ff) or the exact text of one of the color choices from the menu ('Dark Green', 'Dark Red', etc). You can lookup hex codes for any color on a site such as Color-hexa: https://www.colorhexa.com/
/paneltext1 [newtext] (also /paneltext2, /paneltext3) : When there is no App running, change the text displayed in the draw panel, separate commands for lines 1-3, max of 50 characters each. If an app is running but completed, can change to no app running with "/chgapp none".
/seepanels: Rotate through a 10 second preview of each of the available panel backgrounds so you can find one you like. See the /stoppanel and /freezepanel commands that accompany this feature.
/stoppanels: Stop the panel background preview and reset the background to what it was before starting.
/freezepanels: Stop the panel background preview and keep it on the current preview panel being displayed.
/chgtheme [newcolortheme]: Change the color theme that is used for the background of the recurring notice. You can enter the command with no parameters to see the available choices.
/uachgtheme [newcolortheme]: Same command as /chgtheme above, but only updates for the UltraApp (the /chgtheme command will update the color theme across all Dorothy Apps currently running.
/uaseethemes: Display a sample listing of the available Pre-Defined color themes
/uachgint [notice type] [new interval]: Change one of the recurring notice intervals. This command requires two parameters, to define the notice type, and to define the new interval (in minutes), in the format "/uachgint [notice type] [new interval]". You can enter the command with no parameters to see the valid notice types. The [new interval] is the new display interval in minutes. An example of a valid command would be "/uachgint goals 3.2" to update the Progressive Goals Notice interval to 3.2 minutes.
/emojis: Display a sample listing of emojis that can be used in the chat, in app and bot messaging, roomtitles, etc.
/setbrdsep [emoji or character]: (mods/bc only) Updates the emoji or text character used for the border of the recurring notices for each type of goal feature. if you do not want to use an emoji, you can type in a characters of text like "-" or "*" (no quotes). It is not recommended to change from emoji to text or text to emoji during the show as the spacing has already been defined by the separator type.
/uasetbrdsep [emoji or character]: (mods/bc only) Same command as /setbrdsep above, but only updates for the UltraApp (the /setbrdsep command will update across all Dorothy Apps currently running).
/addfan [user]: (bc only) From within the show, adds a user to the External Fan Club list where [user] is the person you want to add. Normally these users are entered in the Fan Club List field on the launch page, but the command can be used if there is a new fan during the show.
/rmvfan [user]: (bc only) Removes a user from the External Fan Club List where [user] is the person you want to remove.
/fanlist : (mods/bc only) Displays the list of users currently in the External Fan Club list.
/addvip [user]: (bc only) From within the show, adds a user to the VIP list where [user] is the person you want to add. Normally these users are entered in the VIP List field on the launch page, but the command can be used if there is a new VIP during the show.
/rmvvip [user]: (bc only) Removes a user from the VIP List where [user] is the person you want to remove.
/viplist : (mods/bc only) Displays the list of users currently in the VIP list.
/addmod [username]: (bc only) Add users to the UltraApp Moderator List.
/rmvmod [username]: (bc only) Remove users from the UltraApp Moderator List.
/modlist: (mods/bc only) Displays the list of users currently in the UltraApp Moderator list (list will also include broadcaster and CB mods).
/setgentext [newsubject]: Update the general text that is shown in the Room Subject. This text stays intact as you move between app features. Overrides the original value set on the launch page.
/gentextposn [X]: Update the default setting for whether the General Text shown across all App features is shown at the beginning or the end of the room title. Valid values for the X parameter are "0" for the beginning and "1" for the end of the room title.
/setmodlevel [1,2 or 3]: Update the moderator trust level. Values are 1=Basic, 2=Standard, 3=Advanced. See the "modlevels" section above for more detail on what each level includes.
/ninjatipon, /ninjatipoff: These commands let any viewer toggle whether their tips are counting toward the goals. The commands are not valid when using the ticket or peep shows. The viewers can also put the text " --NOGOAL-- " in their tip note (no quotes, spaces in between the dashes and surrounding text) to keep their tips from counting toward goals rather than using the commands.
B. Single / Progressive Goals
For the progressive goal show, you can setup a single goal, or multiple goals that will be progressed through in sequence as users tip. There is a configuration flag that defines if the app automatically moves from one goal to the next, or requires the use of the /next command to advance after the goal is met. If set to automatic advance, tips that exceed the goal will carry over to the next goal. If set to advance by command, the tips do not roll over.
By default, the room subject will show the current goal amount and description, the next goal description and a configurable block of text that you can use to describe what happens at the last goal or after the goals, or even just put searchable hashtags to draw more people into the show. This room subject text can be edited using the "/setgoaltext" command as noted below.
Any changes you make are not stored permanently, they are only stored within the current session. They will be kept if you switch between app features, but not if you deactivate the app.
Also, you must keep the goals in sequence, and cannot add an entry that would leave an empty level. For example, if goal levels 1-3 are filled in, you can't add a level 5, you must add a level 4 first.
/addtips [tokens]: This can be used to simulate users having tipped and advance the token count within a goal. Indicate the number of tokens you are adding as the [tokens] parameter, and note the value can be negative. You can add more than the current goal, but you cannot subtract less than has been tipped in the current goal.
/listgoals (also /lg): List the current setup of the goals. Add the "all" parameter to send it to everyone (/lg all).
/listremgoals (also /lrg): List the remaining goals. Add the "all" parameter to send it to everyone (/lrg all)
/restartgoal : If you'd like to repeat a goal (common if you have a single goal you're recycling), you can use this command at any time to reset the tip count on the current goal to 0 (even if already complete)
/setgoal1, /setgoal2, /setgoal3...(thru /setgoal20) [goal] [description]: These are the commands that let you edit the goals for your show. Both the [goal] and [description] parameters must be entered every time and will update both values. Note this is also only a temporary change made within the session, it does not permanently update the launch page config.
--The 1-20 designation as part of the command identifies which entry you are modifying.
--The [goal] parameter is the new value you are setting for the goal amount. Even if you are not changing the goal (only changing the description, you must still enter the existing value for the goal.
--The [description] Parameter is the new value you are setting for the goal description. Even if you are not changing the description (only changing the goal amount), you must still enter the existing value for the description.
--An example of the syntax for this command would be "/setgoal4 400 Blow job", which would set goal 4 to be a Blow Job once you reach 400 tokens.
--Note that you can't make updates to the current goal or past goal, only future goals.
/rmvgoal [level]: Remove the goal entry for goal level of [level] (amount and description are both removed). Note this is also only a temporary change made within the session, it does not permanently update the launch page config.
/setgoaltext [newsubject]: Update the text that is shown in the Room Subject after the current goal and the next goal text.
/goal [goal]: Used to manually select the next [goal] once the current goal is complete, when auto advance is turned off. You can choose a new goal or one that was already completed.
/next : Used to advance to the next goal once the current goal is complete when the auto-advance setting is turned off.
/skip : Advance to the next goal regardless of the status of the current goal.
/resetapp : Reset the to the very beginning, starting over at goal 1.
C. Goal Counter
For the Goal Counter show, you define the smaller goal amount that will be tipped repeatedly, and then define prizes that will occur at a certain number of goals reached. For example, you may define that each goal will be 99 tokens, and then at 5 goals you take off your shirt, 10 goals take off your pants, etc. If there is a final/end goal, set it up as the highest of the goal level thresholds in the configuration list, the app will stop counting once the highest goal count is met.
By default, the room subject will show the remaining goals levels and their descriptions/prizes, plus a configurable block of text that you can use to describe what happens at the last goal or after the goals, or even just put searchable hashtags to draw more people into the show. This room subject text can be edited using the "/setcounttext" command as noted below.
/addtips [tokens]: This can be used to simulate users having tipped and advance the token count within a goal. Indicate the number of tokens you are adding as the [tokens] parameter, and note the value can be negative. You can add more than the current goal, but you cannot subtract less than has been tipped in the current goal.
/listgoals (also /lg): List the current setup of the goals. Add the "all" parameter to send it to everyone (/lg all).
/listremgoals (also /lrg): List the remaining goals. Add the "all" parameter to send it to everyone (/lrg all)
/setcount1, /setcount2, /setcount3...(thru /setcount15) [goal] [description]: These are the commands that let you edit the goal levels for your show. Both the [goal] and [description] parameters must be entered every time and will update both values. Note that you can use these commands to add or edit an entry, however they cannot be used to delete an entry (use the /rmvcount).
--The 1-10 designation as part of the command identifies which Goal Level entry you are adding or modifying.
--The [goal] parameter is the new value you are setting for the goal level (such as '10' for doing a prize at the 10th goal). Even if you are not changing the goal level (only changing the description, you must still enter the existing value for the goal level.
--The [description] Parameter is the new value you are setting for the goal level description. Even if you are not changing the description (only changing the goal level), you must still enter the existing value for the description.
--An example of the syntax for this command would be "/setcount5 20 Blow job", which would set goal level 5 to be a Blow Job, to be done after you've hit the individual goals 20 times.
--Note that you can't make updates to the current goal level or past goal levels, only future goal levels.
/rmvcount [level]: Remove the goal from goal counter level of [level] (amount and description are both removed). Note this is also only a temporary change made within the session, it does not permanently update the launch page config.
/setcounttext [newsubject]: Update the text that is shown in the Room Subject after the listing of the remaining goal levels.
/chgcountgoal [amt] : Change the amount that is being used for the individual goal levels (99 in the above example) to a new value of [amt]. If changing the value after the tipping has already started, it cannot be set to a value that is less than the tips received against the current goal.
/skip : Advance to the next individual goal regardless of the status of the current goal. Note this will only do one individual goal at a time, you can use the command /skiplevel described below to skip past the current goal level threshold
/skiplevel : Advance to the point the next goal level is complete, regardless of the status of the current goal. If there are no more goal level prizes, this will skip to the end of the show, so check the goal list (/lg) to be sure you know how what levels remaining have goals. As an example, if you are on goal 7, and there are prizes every 5 goals, it will skip ahead to having completed goal 10.
/resetapp : Reset the to the very beginning, starting over at goal sequence 1.
D. Tip Sequence Goals
For the Tip Sequence goal show, you can setup the starting and ending points in a sequence that users will tip through, and there can be intermediate goals defined at certain sequence thresholds. The tip sequence can be ascending or descending. For example, you could define the sequence as ascending from 1 to 50, with a goal threshold at 15, 20, 30, and 40... you could also define a sequence as descending from 60 to 10, with goal thresholds at 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, the direction, the range, and the goal levels are all configurable.
By default, the room subject will show the remaining goals sequence levels and their descriptions/prizes, plus a configurable block of text that you can use to describe what happens at the last goal or after the goals, or even just put searchable hashtags to draw more people into the show. This room subject text can be edited using the "/setsequencetext" command as noted below.
Group tipping is available, which allows smaller tips to be accumulated against the current tip sequence number, and advancing when the accumulation meets or exceeds the next number.
There is also a parameter to turn on/off the display of the total tips that will result for the range.
/listgoals (also /lg): List the current setup of the goals. Add the "all" parameter to send it to everyone (/lg all).
/listremgoals (also /lrg): List the remaining goals. Add the "all" parameter to send it to everyone (/lrg all)
/setseq1, /setseq2, /setseq3...(thru /setseq10) [goal] [description]: These are the commands that let you edit the goal levels for your show. Both the [goal] and [description] parameters must be entered every time and will update both values. Note that you can use these commands to add or edit an entry, however they cannot be used to delete an entry (use the /rmvseq).
--The 1-10 designation as part of the command identifies which Sequence Goal Level entry you are adding or modifying.
--The [goal] parameter is the new value you are setting for the goal level (such as '10' for doing a prize once the count sequence reaches and exceeds the number 10). Even if you are not changing the sequence goal level (only changing the description), you must still enter the existing value for the sequence goal level.
--The [description] Parameter is the new value you are setting for the goal level description. Even if you are not changing the description (only changing the goal level), you must still enter the existing value for the description.
--An example of the syntax for this command would be "/setcount5 20 Blow job", which would set goal level 5 to be a Blow Job, to be done after you've hit the individual goals 20 times.
--Note that you can't make updates to the current sequence goal level or past sequence goal levels, only future sequence goal levels.
/rmvseq [level]: Remove the goal from sequence goal level of [level] (amount and description are both removed). Note this is also only a temporary change made within the session, it does not permanently update the launch page config.
/setsequencetext [newsubject]: Update the text that is shown in the Room Subject after the listing of the remaining goal sequence levels.
/usechatmsg [on/off] : Toggle the flag on and off for whether a message is posted in the chat for each sequence as it is achieved.
/usegrouptips [on/off] : Toggle the flag on and off for whether group tipping is allowed.
/skip : Advance to the next sequence regardless of the status of the current sequence.
/chgendseq [newseq]: Update the value for the end of the sequence. When ascending this is the higher number of the range, and when descending it is the low number of the range. The value cannot be updated to a sequence that has already been passed, or affect the current goal level target.
/resetapp : Reset the to the very beginning, starting over at the beginning of the sequence.
For reference, here are the total number of tips for several common sequence ranges:
from 1-10=55
E. Tip Jar
For the Tip Jar show, you can setup a single goal, or multiple goals that will be progressed through in sequence as users tip. As each goal is reach, a countdown begins using the number of tokens in the jar (total tips when goal was hit or passed). Tokens begin to 'drain' out of the jar at the specified rate of tokens per second. During this time, the user is performing the prize for that goal, and they would stop performing once the tip jar runs out/empties. While it is draining, users can continue to tip to keep it full and keep the performance going.
One the jar is empty, there is a configuration flag that defines if the app automatically moves from the completed goal to the next, or requires the use of the /next command to advance after the goal is met. If set to automatic advance, user will now be able to tip towards the next goal.
The goals also have a recyle count setting, which lets the broadcaster identify that some goals will be repeated over and over, to the defined threshold. Note that a recycle of '1', means that the goal will be performed twice (two cycles).
By default, the room subject will show the current goal amount and description, and a configurable block of text that you cn use to describe what happens when the tip jar is running, or even just put searchable hashtags to draw more people into the show. This room subject text can be edited using the "/setjartext" command as noted below.
/addtips [tokens]: This can be used to simulate users having tipped and advance the token count within a goal. Indicate the number of tokens you are adding as the [tokens] parameter, and note the value can be negative. You can add more than the current goal, but you cannot subtract less than has been tipped in the current goal.
/listgoals (also /lg): List the current setup of the goals. Add the "all" parameter to send it to everyone (/lg all).
/listremgoals (also /lrg): List the remaining goals. Add the "all" parameter to send it to everyone (/lrg all)
/setjar1, /setjar2, /setjar3...(thru /setjar10) [goal] [recyc] [description]: These are the commands that let you edit the goals for your show. All three of the [goal], [recyc], and [description] parameters must be entered every time and it will update all three values. Note that you can use these commands to add or edit an entry, however they cannot be used to delete an entry (use the /rmvjar for that).
The 1-10 designation as part of the command identifies which entry you are modifying
The [goal] parameter is the value you are setting for the goal amount. Even if you are not changing the goal (only changing the description), you must still re-enter the existing value for the goal.
The [recyc] parameter is the value you are setting for the recycle count. Even if you are not changing the recycle count (only changing the goal amount or description), you must still re-enter the existing value for the recycle count. Note that the default for recycle is '0', which means the goal is done once. With a recycle of '1', the goal is done twice, and if the recycle is '2', the goal is done three times, etc.
The [description] Parameter is the value you are setting for the goal description. Even if you are not changing the description (only changing the goal amount), you must still re-enter the existing value for the description.
And example of the syntax for this command would be "/setjar2 400 Blow job", which would set goal 2 to begin a Blow Job once you reach 400 tokens and continue that prize as long as the tip jar has tokens in it.
Note that you can't make updates to the current goal or past goals, only future goals.
/rmvjar [level]: Remove the goal for the tip jar goal level of [level] (amount and description are both removed). Note this is also only a temporary change made within the session, it does not permanently update the launch page config.
/setjartext [newsubject]: Update the text that is shown in the Room Subject after the current goal.
/faster [levels]: Speeds up the drain rate by the specified number of levels. If no level is specified it is assumed to be by one level. If a level is specified beyond the maximum, the maximum is used.
/slower [levels]: Slows down up the drain rate by the specified number of levels. If no level is specified it is assumed to be by one level. If a level is specified below the minimum, the minimum is used.
/pause: Pause the draining of the jar.
/resume: Resume the draining of the jar.
/next : Used to advance to the next goal once the current goal is complete, when auto advance is turned off.
/skip : Advance to the next goal regardless of the status of the current goal. This will also bypass the prize/draining of the jar for the current goal. Note that for the Tip Jar goals, the /skip and /next work in a similar fashion.
/resetapp : Reset the to the very beginning, starting over at goal 1, cycle 1.
As noted, the drain rate can be increased or decreased, and below are the available rates. You set the default on the launch page, and then you can change it during the show using the /faster and /slower commands:
Level 1: 5 tokens per second (fastest)
Level 2: 4 tokens per second
Level 3: 3 tokens per second
Level 4: 2 tokens per second
Level 5: 1 token per second
Level 6: 1 token every 2 seconds
Level 7: 1 token every 3 seconds
Level 8: 1 token every 4 seconds
Level 9: 1 token every 5 seconds
Level 10: 1 token every 10 seconds (slowest)
F. UltraApp Ticket Show
As noted, the app features are usually a better fit for ticket shows than bots, so it is suggested to use the UltraApp Ticket Show rather than the bot if possible. Both have the benefit of not giving anyone you don't know access to your shows.
There is a more detailed listing of all of the settings used on the launch page for the Ticket Show feature on the stand alone Dorothy's Ticket Show App page here: https://chaturbate.com/apps/app_details/ dorothys-ticket-show/?slot=1
An Outstanding Ticket feature is included, which lets you maintain a list of users that have outstanding tickets that they can use for future shows, in the event they have to leave before the show starts, or there is a problem with a show and you'd like to grant the ticket holders a free ticket to a future show. ** IMPORTANT: The list can be viewed during the show using the "/otlist" command, and the "/otchanges" command can be used to see which users have saved a ticket or used a saved ticket during the show, as these changes need to updated in the outstanding ticket list on the launch page for the next show. The list should also be saved outside of CB.
Also, it is not advisable to put the ticket price in the show description, as those are not automatically updated if the price is changed. The notices that are displayed show the current ticket price and are updated automatically when the price changes.
Note that a "Fan Appreciation Mode" has been added with will only allow fans and VIP members into the show and not advertise any ticket sales or prices.
Pre-sales have also been added to the UltraApp. When enabled, pre-sales can be started while the other goal features are still running - users will be added to the ticket show list as they tip the pre-sales price. No need to export the presale list from one app to another.
A separate section is documented below for pre-sales - note that since it is not expected to have pre-sales running in both the Fembot and the UltraApp at the same time, the commands remain the same for both.
/tickets : (all users) Display the list of users that have bought a ticket. If the parameter of 'alpha' is added, the list is displayed alphabetically. Note that viewers can be added back to the show using the /add or /addticket commands and pasting the list that is shown from the /tickets command.
/useot [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the Outstanding Ticket feature of the Ticket Show is "on" or "off". Overrides the initial setting, and allows you to turn the Outstanding Ticket usage feature on or off during the show.
/otlist : (all users) Display the list of outstanding ticket holders, can be used by anyone if the Outstanding Ticket feature is enabled.
/otchanges : (mods/bc only) ** IMPORTANT when using the OT feature ** Displays a list of tickets that have been saved or used during the current session so the permanent list can be updated.
/saveticket: (all ticket buyers) If the broadcaster has enabled Outstanding Tickets (and is tracking them) - If you've bought a ticket and will not be able to stay for the show, you can save it for a future show. You will no longer be able to see the current show. IMPORTANT: If in the same session, the ticket will be available automatically. However for future shows or if the broadcaster restarts the bot, the broadcaster must add the saved tickets to the outstanding ticket list to be able to use them with /useticket.
/useticket: (all users with an outstanding ticket) If the broadcaster has enabled Outstanding Tickets (and is tracking them) - Redeem an outstanding ticket and use it for access to this show. You can use the command /otlist to view the list of outstanding ticket holders if the broadcaster has enabled this feature.
/addot : (mods, bc if granted privileges) If the outstanding ticket feature is in use, the broadcaster can manually give a user an outstanding ticket. Moderators can also add if they have authority. The addition still must be made permanent by updating the launch page outstanding ticket list.
/rmvot : (mods/bc only) Remove a user from the outstanding ticket list within the current show. The removal still must be made permanent by updating the launch page outstanding ticket list.
/addticket or (/add) [user]: (bc only, moderator when granted privileges) Manually add a user to the ticket show list. Can be a specific user or a list of users separated by a comma.
/rmvticket (or /del or /delticket) [user]: (mods/bc only) Manually remove a specific user from the ticket show list, only used for one user at a time.
/startshow: (mods/bc only) Start the ticket show when not set to automatic start. Once started, the show will only be visible to ticket holders. Hint: start the show when you're in a good position for the preview pic to be frozen that will attract more ticket buyers.
/showwarn (or /showover): (mods/bc only) Display a warning that the show will be ending soon and ticket purchases are allowed but not recommended. If configured, this can also end the positions menu, and reduce the ticket price.
/showend (or /stopsales): (mods/bc only) Suspend ticket sales, no more automatic ticket purchases can be made. Recommended to always do this once you are less than a few minutes from the end of the show so people don't buy at the last second and are disappointed by getting a short show. If configured, this can also end the positions menu, and reduce the ticket price.
/stopshow: (mods/bc only) End the hidden show and return to a public broadcast.
/newticketshow: (mods/bc only) Completely refresh the ticket show to start a brand new show. This will remove all the ticket holders from the list, and re-initialize all settings using the configuration from the launch page.
/restartshow: (mods/bc only) Go back into hidden cam mode if the show was accidentally ended too soon. The ticket holder list, ticket price and show description are kept intact.
/restartsales: (mods/bc only) Restart ticket sales either during the show (after /showend was used), or after you've ended the show to go back to the ticket sales stage. The ticket holder list, ticket price and show description are kept intact.
/ticketprice (or /ctprice, or /chgticketprice) [newprice]: (mods/bc only) Update the ticket price to the [newprice].
/starttimer (or /ticketstarttimer, or /starttickettimer) [time]: (mods/bc only) Start a [time] minute timer for the raffle drawing when in 'timer' mode with the drawing to be triggered by the /raffledrawing command. The timer will count down but not automatically perform the drawing (unless set to automatic mode but the auto-timer was ended, and this is a restart of that timer)
/addtime (or /ticketaddtime, or /addtickettime) [time]: (mods/bc only) Add [time] minutes to the timer for either automatic or manual drawing mode. The [time] value can be a negative number to subtract time, but cannot be greater than the remaining time.
/stoptimer (or /ticketstoptimer, or /stoptickettimer): (mods/bc only) Stop the raffle timer for either automatic or manual drawing mode.
/tickettimeleft : (mods/bc only) Display the time left on the ticket show countdown for either automatic or manual starting mode.
/showtime : (all users) Display a message showing how long the current show has been hidden.
/chgticketmode (or /chgtktmode) [manual/timer/ticketgoal/tokengoal]: (mods/bc only) Switch between the modes being used to determine when to start the ticket show. If switching from a timer show to a non-timer show, the timer will be ended. Ticket count and Tip Count are being tracked regardless of mode, so switching to a 'goal' mode should not require starting progress at 0.
/chgticketauto (or /chgtktauto) [auto/bc]: (mods/bc only) Switch between the modes being used to define if the show starts automatically when a goal is reached or timer expires, or if the broadcaster or mods still control the start of the show.
/usegift [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the Gifting of Tickets feature is "on" or "off". Overrides the initial setting, and allows you to turn the feature on or off during the show.
/giftticket [user]: (all users, once you have extra tickets) If the 'gifting' feature is enabled, when you tip enough to buy extra tickets, you can gift those tickets to other users using this command. Each time you gift, it removes one of your 'extra' tickets. You can only gift extra tickets with this command, to give away your own ticket, you can use /givemyticketto as noted below. Be sure to type the user name correctly for the person you are gifting to, extra tickets cannot be recovered once they are gifted. This can be done before and during the show.
/givemyticketto [user]: (all ticket buyers) If you can't stay for a show, and outstanding ticket feature is no used to allow saving your ticket, you can give your ticket to another user. This can only be done before the show starts, and you will be removed from the ticket show list!
/ticketsubject (or /ctsubject) [newsubject]: (mods/bc only) Change the configurable portion of the room title to a new value.
/ctn: (bc/mods) Post a one-time notice in the chat. The syntax for using this type of notice is "/cn [X]", where [X] is the message you want to send. This is the plain notification without any separators or highlighting.
/ctnd: (bc/mods) Post a one-time notice in the chat. The syntax for using this type of notice is "/cnd [X]", where [X] is the message you want to send. This notification includes a dash separator before and after the message, but no highlighting.
/ctnh: (bc/mods) Post a one-time notice in the chat. The syntax for using this type of notice is "/cnh [X]", where [X] is the message you want to send. This notification includes highlighting, but no separators.
/ctndh: (bc/mods) Post a one-time notice in the chat. The syntax for using this type of notice is "/cndh [X]", where [X] is the message you want to send. This notification includes both separators and highlighting.
/prepticket : (mods/bc only) From single command, makes updates in both Fembot and UltraApp. In UltraApp, does same thing as "/chgapp ticket" plus based on config on launch page can also start the ticket show countdown timer. The default timer can be overridden by specifying a timer duration on the command, such as "/prepticket 15" for a 15 min timer. The advantage is that this same command will also trigger the Fembot updates for starting a show, such as ending the Tip Menu if the menu is controlled in the Fembot.
/previewers : (all users) Display a list of the user names currently seeing a free preview of the show.
/previewlength [newlength]: (mods/bc only) Update the length of the free preview period. Note that setting it to zero ("0") will disable the free preview. Please make sure to use one of the following values as the parameter: "0", "10sec", "20sec", "30sec", "1min", "2min", "3min", "4min", or "5min".
/cancelticket: (mods/bc only) Stop the automatic countdown to ticket sales that will start after the last goal if setting "1A2" is enabled.
G. Ticket Show Pre-sales
In addition to the above commands, there is a subset of ticket show related functions related to pre-sales for an UltraApp ticket show.
As noted above, since it is not expected to have pre-sales running in both the Fembot and the UltraApp at the same time, the commands remain the same for both (DO NOT RUN PRE-SALES FROM BOTH AT THE SAME TIME).
/uapresale [on/off]: (bc/mods only) Overrides the launch page setting for whether Pre-sales are conducted in the UltraApp or the Fembot. Using a parameter of "on" enables presales in the UltraApp. Note you can still start and stop the actual pre-sale of tickets once enabled for the ultraApp using the two commands below.
/startpresale: (bc/mods only) Begin selling pre-sales tickets. Only allowed if Pre-sales are enabled for the UltraApp (see above command).
/stoppresale: (bc/mods only) Stop selling pre-sales tickets. Only allowed if Pre-sales are enabled for the UltraApp (see above command). Note the ticket list remains intact, but new pre-sale purchases are disabled.'
/presalelist: (mods/bc only) Display the list of users on the pre-sale list.
/presaleprice [price]: (mods/bc only) Set the pre-sales ticket price to a value of [price]. This can either be done to set the initial price before the pre-sales start, if not set in the bot start page, or it can be used after pre-sales start to change the price to a new price. Note the timer can also be set to change the price using the command below.
/pspricetimer [time] [price]: (mods/bc only) When using manual mode, set the pre-sales ticket price to a new value of [price] when the timer for [time] minutes runs out. Timer warnings will be displayed and the price will automatically update at the end of the timer. Time can be added or removed from the timer using the command below.
/presaletimer [time]: (mods/bc only) When using manual mode, start a timer to increase the price at the end of the timer by the pre-defined increment value specified on the start page.
/presaleaddtime [time]: (mods/bc only) Add [time] minutes to the timer. If a negative number is used, time is subtracted.
/presalestoptimer: (mods/bc only) Stops the pre-sale timer and no price update is made.
/presaletimeleft: (mods/bc only) Displays the time left on the current pre-sale timer, whether started manually or automated.
/chgpresalemode [mode]: (mods/bc only) Change the presale mode that is currently running. The default value is set on the start page, and can be change on the fly during the show to "manual", "timer", or "count".
Manual Mode: The broadcaster or moderator controls the price increases (or there are no price increases). Price can either be changed immediately using /presaleprice, or a timer can be started to change it by a specified amount (/presalepricetimer) or by the default increment amount (/presalestarttimer).
Timer Mode: The price is changed automatically on a recycling timer as defined on the start page. The broadcaster or a moderator can add or remove time from the timer as needed, or stop the timer. At the end of each cycle, the price will increase by the configured increment and a new timer will be kicked off as long as it does not exceed the maximum number of increments and would not exceed the ticket price with the next cycle.
Count Mode: The price is changed automatically on a recycling ticket count as defined on the start page. At the end of each cycle when the defined number of tickets is sold, the price will increase by the configured increment as long as it does not exceed the maximum number of increments and does not exceed the ticket price with the next cycle.
/addpresale: (mods/bc only) Add a user or list of users to the pre-sale ticket list.
/rmvpresale: (mods/bc only) Remove an individual user from the pre-sale list.
H. Goal Race
In the goal race, the broadcaster sets two competing goals (like panties off vs bra off, or oral for him vs oral for her), and the users select which goal they want to tip toward.
When this app is active and a user tips, the tip panel will show a choice of the two goals to tip toward, they can choose one of the two goals, or not make a selection.
The user can also toggle on and off a personal setting that allows them to either send votes or regular tip notes.
The goals, goal descriptions, room subject text, and panel subject text are configurable on the launch page and also through the commands below, so you don't have to restart the app to make changes.
There is also a feature for the user to add their 'unclaimed' tips toward one of the goals later if they did not indicate a goal when they actually tipped.
/listgoals (also /lg): List the current setup of the race choices. Add the "all" parameter to send it to everyone (/lg all).
/restartrace: Lets you restart the goal race (reset tip amounts to 0) with the same settings.
/setrace1, /setrace2 [amount] [description] : These are the commands that let you edit the goal amounts and goal descriptions for your show. Both the [amount] and [description] parameters must be entered every time and will update both values.
--The "1" or "2" designation as part of the command identifies which Goal Choice entry you are modifying.
--The [amount] parameter is the new value you are setting for the goal amount (such as "500" for a goal amount). Even if you are not changing the goal amount (only changing the description), you must still enter the existing value for the goal amount as both will be updated.
--The [description] parameter is the new value you are setting for the goal description (such as "Bra Off"). Even if you are not changing the description (only changing the goal amount), you must still enter the existing value for the description.
--An example of the syntax for this command would be "/setrace2 500 Bra Off", which would set goal #2 to be the choice of "Bra Off".
--Note that you can't make updates to the goal amount that would be less than what is already tipped for that goal.
/addrace1, /addrace2: If someone has tipped during the Goal Race and did not specify a goal at the time, these tips are accumulated and can be "claimed" by that person later for either goal 1 or goal 2 using one of these two commands. The accrued amount cannot be split, the whole amount will go toward the goal selected.
/tipnoteon, /tipnoteoff: This command lets you toggle whether the popup window for tipping lets you send regular tip notes to the broadcaster or shows the selection list for casting votes for the goals.
/setracetext [newsubject]: Update the text that is shown in the Room Subject after the info on the competing race goals.
/setracepaneltext [newsubject]: Update the text that is shown in the first Line of the Draw Panel.
I. Spank-a-thon
The Spank-a-thon is a combination of Tip Menu and Goals. The broadcaster can configure up to 5 types of spankings to be administered (such as hand spanks, paddle spanks, riding crop, etc). For each type, a price is defined per spank, and there is configuration available for 2 more "bundle" prices as well.
Goals can also be setup to set a point at which the spanks will be done. Only one goal is required and up to 5 goals can be configured.
There is a setting to define if all tips count toward the goal or if only spank tips count.
When spanks are completed, the /spanked command can be used to mark them off from the 'to do' list.
The spank menu will be shown periodically in the chat in the same manner as most tip menus.
/addtips [tokens]: This can be used to simulate users having tipped and advance the token count within a goal. Indicate the number of tokens you are adding as the [tokens] parameter, and note the value can be negative. You can add more than the current goal, but you cannot subtract less than has been tipped in the current goal.
/listgoals (also /lg): List the current setup of the goals. Add the "all" parameter to send it to everyone (/lg all).
/listremgoals (also /lrg): List the remaining goals. Add the "all" parameter to send it to everyone (/lrg all)
/setspanktype1, /setspanktype2, ...(thru /setspanktype5) [description]: These commands let you create or edit each of the 5 available spank types, such as "hand spanks", "paddle spanks", etc. The types must be defined before bundle quantities and prices can be set with the below command. Note this is also only a temporary change made within the session, it does not permanently update the launch page config.
/setspankXpY [bundle amount] [price]: For each of the 5 types (once a type is defined), you can define up to 3 bundle amounts and prices.
--The "X" in the command is the spank type (1-5), and the "Y" is the price level (1-3).
--The first parameter is how many spanks in the bundle. For example, you may set price level 1 as the price per spank, so the number would be 1. For price level 2, you may be pricing a bundle of 10, and for price level 3, you may be pricing a bundle of 50.
--The second parameter is the correspondnig price for each.
--Therefore, in the example "/setspank2p3 50 499", you would be defining that for spank type 2, price level 3, the price is 499 for a bundle of 50.
--Note this is also only a temporary change made within the session, it does not permanently update the launch page config.
/setspankgoal1, /setspankgoal2, /setspankgoal3...(thru /setspankgoal5) [goal] [description]: These are the commands that let you edit the spank goals for your show. Both the [goal] and [description] parameters must be entered every time and will update both values. Note this is also only a temporary change made within the session, it does not permanently update the launch page config.
--The 1-5 designation as part of the command identifies which entry you are modifying.
--The [goal] parameter is the new value you are setting for the goal amount. Even if you are not changing the goal (only changing the description), you must still enter the existing value for the goal.
--The [description] Parameter is the new value you are setting for the goal description. Even if you are not changing the description (only changing the goal amount), you must still enter the existing value for the description.
--An example of the syntax for this command would be "/setspankgoal2 500 Administer Spanks Round 2", which would set goal 2 to be the described text once you reach 500 tokens.
--Note that you can't make updates to the current goal or past goal, only future goals.
/rmvspankgoal [level]: Remove the goal entry for goal level of [level] (amount and description are both removed). Note this is also only a temporary change made within the session, it does not permanently update the launch page config.
/setspanktext [newsubject]: Update the text that is shown in the Room Subject after the current goal and the next goal.
/spanktotals: Display the current totals for spanks tipped for and administered per spank type
/spankmenu: Display the spank menu on demand, note it also shows in the chat notice periodically.
/spanktips: Display the history of the spank tips.
/spanked X Y: (bc/mods with authority) Update the number of completed spanks for the spank type X, adding Y spanks to the current total.
/spankall: (bc/mods with authority) Mark all outstanding spanks as complete, rather than the one at a time that is done with the /spanked command.
J. Peep Show
The Peep Show is another type of hidden show, where instead of buying a ticket for the whole show, a viewer can buy time in the show at a per minute rate.
It is expected that this feature would be used for types of shows where you plan to do an activity for a fairly specific length of time, and there's not a likelihood of finishing early.
People will potentially be buying time for most or all of the planned show length, so you should try to make sure you use the full time allotted, and also not go over and make people continually buy more and more time in small chunks and risk missing a part of the show.
As with a ticket show, you can grant Fans, Mods, and VIPs free access to the entire show.
The planned length of the show and purchase rate (tokens/min) can be updated whenever the app is running.
The same commands are used for managing the Peep Show as in the ticket show. When ready to start, you use /startshow to make the cam hidden. Then you can use /showwarn to let people know you are nearing the end, and /showend to suspend further time purchases (just make sure not to do this when people make still need to buy more time). Finally you can revert back to the public show with /stopshow.
/mytime: (all users) display the amount of time you have purchased so far, and time remaining.
/peepviewers (or /pv) : (all users) Display the list of all users with access to the hidden show. Prior to show start, this will be anyone granted free access (mods, Fans, VIPs, etc). After the hidden peep show starts, it will be all users with access - free viewers and viewers who have purchased time remaining.
/peepbuyers (or /pb) : (all users) Display the list of all users who have purchased time in the show, either before show start or during the show. The list will also show the amount of time remaining for each viewer. After a viewer\'s time expires, they are still in this list with 0 time remaining (but will not be in the viewer list above).
/peepadd [user]: (mods/bc only) Manually add a specific [user] to the Peep Show Free Viewer list - they will be able to see the whole show.
/peeprmv [user]: (mods/bc only) Manually remove a specific user from the Peep Show. Applies to both Free Viewers or viewers with purchased time.
/startshow: (mods/bc only) Start the Peep Show when not set to automatic start. Once started, the show will only be visible to Free Viewers and those who have purchased time. Hint: start the show when you are in a good position for the preview pic to be frozen that will attract more buyers after the show starts.
/showwarn (or /showover): (mods/bc only) Display a warning that the Peep Show will be ending soon and that time purchases are allowed but not recommended.
/showend (or /stopsales): (mods/bc only) Suspend Peep Show sales, no more time purchases can be made. Recommended to always do this once you are less than a few minutes from the end of the show so people do not buy at the last second and are disappointed by getting a short show.
/stopshow: (mods/bc only) End the hidden Peep Show and return to a public broadcast if not configured to autmatically end.
/peeprestart: (mods/bc only) Go back into hidden cam mode if the show was accidentally ended too soon. The viewer list and time purchase amounts are kept intact.
/peepprice [newprice]: (mods/bc only) Update the peep show per minute price to the [newprice] in tokens per minute. If changed during the show, it will not affect viewers who have already purchased time. Once a purchase is made, they are locked in to the time they have bought.
/peeplength [time]: (mods/bc only) Update the planned length of the peep show to [time] in terms of minutes. This is only an estimate.
/peeptimer [time]: (mods/bc only) Start a [time] minute timer for the start of the peep show when in "timer" mode The timer will count down but not automatically start the show.
/peepaddtime [time]: (mods/bc only) Add [time] minutes to the timer for the Peep Show start countdown. The [time] value can be a negative number to subtract time, but cannot be greater than the remaining time.
/peepstoptimer: (mods/bc only) Stop the Peep Show Start timer for either automatic or manual drawing mode.
/peeptimeleft : (mods/bc only) Display the time left in the Peep Show based on the broadcaster\'s planned show length (estimate).
/peepautoend [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Overrides the initial launch page setting and changes the parameter for whether the show automatically ends after the planned show length. A parameter of "on" enables the automatic end, a parameter of "off" disabled the automatic end.
/peepsubject [newsubject]: (mods/bc only) Change the room description/subject/title to a new value. This keeps the standard Peep Show Room Subject formatting and only changes the configurable part of the subject.
K. Auto-reset Goal
For the Auto-Reset Goal show, you define a single goal that will be recycled repeatedly each time it is hit. Tips that exceed the current goal will carry over and be applied to the next goal.
You can also configure if there is and end to the show after a certain number of goals, or if it just keeps going, and if there is a final goal prize after all goals are complete.
By default, the room subject will show the current goal amount and description, the final goal count and grand prize (if used), and a configurable block of text that you can use to describe the show, and even put searchable hashtags to draw more people into the show. This room subject text can be edited using the "/setautotext" command as noted below.
Any changes you make using commands are not stored permanently, they are only stored within the current session. They will be kept if you switch between app features, but not if you deactivate the app.
/addtips [tokens]: This can be used to simulate users having tipped and advance the token count within a goal. Indicate the number of tokens you are adding as the [tokens] parameter, and note the value can be negative. You can add more than the current goal, but you cannot subtract less than has been tipped in the current goal.
/listgoals (also /lg): List the current setup of the goals. Add the "all" parameter to send it to everyone (/lg all).
/setautogoal [amount] [description]: This command allows you to edit the goal amount and goal description for your show (or just goal amount). Note this is also only a temporary change made within the session, it does not permanently update the launch page config.
/setautofinal [amount] [description]: This command allows you to edit the final number of goals for End of Show / Grand Prize, and the description of that prize or what happens at the end of the show. You can also just change the number of goals without changing the description). Note this is also only a temporary change made within the session, it does not permanently update the launch page config.
/setautotext [description]: Update the configurable text that describes the show.
/skip : Advance to the next goal regardless of the status of the current goal. Since all auto-reset goals are the same, this wouldn't likely be used much unless trying to advance closer to the end of show goal.
/resetapp: Reset the App to the very beginning, starting over at goal 1.
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